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Expressing Love – Feiliks Donated 600,000 for Social Benefits

On September 5, the 4th Charity Day of China, the 2019 “Mid-Autumn Festival•An Eternally-Benevolent Heart” event for social benefits was opened in Kunshan Grand Theater. Du Xiaogang, Secretary of the CPC Municipal Committee, Zhang Xuechun, Director of the SuZhou Municipal People’s Congress, Feng Renxin, Chairman of the CPPCC Suzhou Municipal Committee and other leaders attended the event.
During the event, the enterprise donation ceremony was held. Wang Xiaojuan, vice president of Feiliks and chairman of Trade Union, donated 600,000 yuan to Kunshan Charity Federation on behalf of the company. The donation will be transferred to Feiliks Benevolent Mind Charity Fund, the fund bearing the name of Feiliks in Kunshan Charity Federation. This fund will be used on projects of social benefits. This was Feiliks’ second funding after the founding of Feiliks Benevolent Mind Charity Fund, and also our another initiative to fulfill social responsibilities after our establishment.
It is known that the “Mid-Autumn Festival•An Eternally-Benevolent Heart” event for social benefits is held every two years, and has been held for ten consecutive sessions so far, becoming a brand charity course in Kunshan City. Feiliks joins hands with the Charity Federation to enable benevolent love to permeate our daily life and become a common habit.
